Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Tribute to the 13s: The Best Worst-Class-Ever

Graduation was this past Sunday, and with it came many goodbyes to close friends, some of whom we will not see for a long time (read: Green Key 2014, and Mike will visit us every weekend like he promised).  It's hard to see them go, knowing how much they have given to the team over their time here and that they leave some big shoes to fill.  Jon wrote a great column in The Dartmouth a few weeks ago reflecting on his choice to come to Dartmouth:
"I will graduate in a couple weeks after a wonderful four years in Hanover. I will leave not only with an Ivy League degree but a great group of friends and hundreds of memories, good and bad. Yet I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I chose to go to Columbia, which was a close second to Dartmouth as my top choice. And really, I would have left with the same three things: an Ivy League degree, a great group of friends and hundreds of memories, good and bad."
"Just remember that this is but one reality among many. Most of us would probably have had a great time no matter where we went to college. Dartmouth is awesome because we chose to make it so."

We're glad the 13s chose to make Dartmouth awesome.  Jon, Mike, Phil, Adam, Dave, and Brad: it's been real, boys, and we'll miss you next year.


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